CMA Avellaneda – The Outside of the Inside

A new exhibition by the international artist Mirta Kupferminc has been presented since September 9 at the “Centro Municipal de Arte de Avellaneda “under the title “The Outside of the Inside”.
The tour of this exhibition was conceived as a suite, with a display and a dynamic more similar to that of a piece of music than to the contemplation of each one of the works in isolation. They are all related to each other, but the link will be discovered by the observer as they go through this kind of “text” that will unfold and “re-write” in infinite versions.
A structure similar to that of Chinese boxes is perceived, nesting one story inside another, which refer us to both individual and social experiences and which are expressed through a meticulous drawing, as well as through both empty and variegated spaces. .
Whoever goes through this set will find borders that demarcate an “outside” and an “inside” that warn us that we are not always the ones who can choose which side to be in.
All the works are traversed by the relationship between exile, referring to the situation of refugees and, on the other hand, the mandatory isolation during the pandemic.
During 2020, M.K. was invited by the curator Emily D. Bilski to be part of a project called “The House Is in the Book” to be shown at the Jerusalem Biennale the following year).
A weekly online meeting in which the three invited artists worked remotely: Andi Arnovitz from Jerusalem, Lynne Avadenka from Detroit and Mirta Kupferminc from Buenos Aires.
“It was a wonderful job because we were in isolation but, on the other hand, interconnected through the internet sharing iconographic images, adjusting measurements, setting the paper, etc. The challenge for the three artists residing on different continents and in different time zones was to create a common refuge. This is how an artist book and the video “Umbral” (“Threshold”) were born, adding Mariana Sosnowski to the filmmaking and the musician Ernesto Romeo for the original soundtrack of the film”, adds the artist while reviewing one of the twelve Books of Artists that will be exhibited in this important exhibition.
Arrived the year 2022, not only has the pandemic not ended, but wars have been added and the millions of exiles seeking asylum are multiplying because their homeland turned into rubble.
«The Homeland of Exile» and «Sin Tierra» incorporate a network formed by the words that make up the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This network, written in the languages of migrant peoples, is not perceived as a protective fabric but rather as one of barbed wire.
Isolated, lithography and technique on paper.
Climate change precipitated by the excesses committed by the human species, and the planet that is our great home is being destroyed in front of
Each work that makes up this group is worked with a combination of multiple graphic techniques and manual interventions that make each piece unique. The material chosen as a support for the realization of many of them is a thermoplastic polymer also used during the pandemic for the manufacture of some medical supplies.
“…Let’s not hesitate any longer. From our habitual room, without going out into any street, we have been given the great gift (which we often forget) of seeing the sphere that allows us to see the simultaneity of the universe…”
Enrique Vila-Matas, El País newspaper, January 2, 2010